To place an order, first choose the hosting package you are interested in. Packages can be found here: Web Hosting

Once you have chosen a package, just click on the “Order Now” link or button against the order.

It will open the Step 1 of the ordering process, where you can search and choose your domain name.

In Step 2, choose the billing cycle, and hosting platform. You can safely proceed to next step without changing anything in this step.

Step 3 will show you the order summary and hosting fee.

In Step 4, provide your information to create your account with us.

And choose the payment method most suitable for you and click the ‘Complete Order‘ button to place the order.

Once your invoice is generated, you can pay using any of our payment methods listed here: Payment Methods.

After you have made the payment, just fill out the deposit confirmation form here: Deposit Confirmation Form.

We will send you hosting details at your email id provided in the form once payment is confirmed. This usually take about 30 minutes.

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See also  How to Place a Web Hosting Order with HosterPK

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