If you’re looking for .com domain prices in Pakistan, look no further, we’ve got the best domain Prices.

.Com domain price in Pakistan Is Rs.3000.00PKR. Here is the List of the different other TLDs prices in Pakistan.

Registration (PKR)
Transfer (PKR)

Renewal (PKR)

.com 3000.00 3000.00 3920.00
.pk 3399.00 3399.00
.com.pk 3399.00 3399.00
.net 3110.00 3110.00 3399.00
.org 3130.00 3130.00 3800.00

* Due to the USD to PKR changes, domain prices can change, so double-check while buying.

As you can see above, HosterPK offers Pakistan’s cheapest .com domain registration. Register your domain name from HosterPK Domains for as low as $ 9.5 USD. Hosterpk is the largest Domain registrar of .pk and .com.pk domains check Pk whois If Domain Is available to register you can buy it from Hosterpk.

Check .COM Availability Below:

What is a Domain Name?

Having an online presence, be it your personal website, a blog, or an eCommerce venture, the first step you need to take is to decide on the website’s name so your visitors can access your site easily.

The name you decide for your web is known as a ‘domain.’ So, for your first web project, you must determine what domain name to choose.

What is the purpose of domain names?

Having an online presence, be it your personal website, a blog, or an eCommerce venture, the first step you need to take is to decide on the website’s name so your visitors can access your site easily.

The name you decide for your web is known as a ‘domain.’ So for your first web project, you must determine what domain name to choose. 

See also  Enabling Cloudflare for your Domain Name

At the beginning of the internet, you could only access websites through IP addresses like Even now, all websites have IP addresses. For example, it is possible to access the HosterPK.com website by entering the IP address of HosterPK in the URL bar. 

The problem with IP addresses is that remembering these numbers is difficult. Although, of course, you can retain a few IP addresses in your memory for some websites. Still, there are millions of websites, making IP addresses unreliable for accessing sites, hence the use of domain names as a domain name to make things easier to understand and remember. Nowadays, to access the website, you don’t need to type in a complex IP address. Instead, you can write the domain name into your browser. 

Domain names and their structure: An overview

As we have seen, navigating the internet using IP addresses is not viable, so we use domain names. It is also crucial to understand domain names and their structure, including terms such as subdomains, top-level domains, generic top-level domains, etc.

Types of domain names:

  1. Primary domain
  2. Sub-domain
  3. Top-level domain

Primary domain:

Url Structure

Url Structure

Let’s take the example ofhttps://www.hosterpk.com.”

The “hosterpk” is a primary domain.

“www” is the subdomain and

“com” is the top-level domain


A subdomain is a domain that belongs to another part of the Domain Name System hierarchy. Example: Hosterpk offers an online blog on its website, “hosterpk.com,” accessible under the subdomain www.hosterpk.com/blog.

Top-level domain:

A domain suffix called a “top-level domain” or “TLD” is the last part of a domain name that describes its purpose.

See also  How to run traceroute (tracert)

1: Generic top-level domain (gTLD)

Educational and military institutions commonly use generic top-level domain names.

  • .edu: Education (educational purposes for schools, colleges, universities, etc.)
  • .mil: Military websites

2. Country code Top-level domain (ccTLD)

Based on the TLD, you can determine the country of the domain:

  • .uk: United Kingdom
  • .us: United States of America 
  • .pk: Pakistan

Allows the user to guess which country the domain belongs to quickly.

3. Generic top-level domain (gTLD)

These are descriptive-type domains. According to their suffixes, the domains are intended for the following purposes:

  • .career
  • .Yoga
  • .cafe

It would be best if you used the. yoga Generic top-level domain to build a yoga website.

Most Common Top-Level Domains

  • .com: Commercial business.
  • .net:  Networks organizations
  • .org: Organizations
  • .gov: Government


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